
Most popular : USCutter, SM, PCUT, Signwarehouse, Vinyl Express, Master...

Import: SVG, AI, EPS, PS, PDF, DXF, JPG, BMP...

Let you select all the fonts installed on Windows

Small & large signs creation

Car, boat, moto & rv design


Metal engraving



Wall decoration

Glass etching
WinPCSIGN PRO 2014 - NEW Features

T-Shirt designer

Rhinestones patterns

Rhinestone fonts creator

T-Shirt vinyl color palette

Project cost estimator

Rhinestone spray

Rhinestone dropping

T-Shirt viewer

WPC file preview

Shapes transparency

SVG Import/Export

Rhinestones infos

Rhinestones to shapes

Png transparency


Monument: Ogee & Taper

Monument: Granite texture pack

Contour cut using ARMs for GCC & SAGA cutters

Get free logos at

2 Rhinestones fonts

Share your designs

This exclusive function is useful to
weed big designs. Cuts design in
panels with easy overlap

Quick and useful cutting panels.
Cut by colors, add wedding, rotate etc....

Minimiseroll and unroll of the vinyl sheet to
avoid slipping and distortion

Cutter always start a new path with a
good blade orientation to avoid twisting
and material lost.

Prevent unstick or sharp corner
FEATURES LIST (more than any one else basic, starter or lite software)
Drop rhinestones
Spray rhinestones on selection
Spray Freehand
Composer rhinestones pattern (Repeat, inverse, center etc)
Resize rhinestone drawing or text
Fill between two stone
Distribute spacing between two stones
Copy selected stone ( left, right, up, down)
Fix stone intersection (enter distance)
Make rhinestone pattern with selected object
Convert circle with new pattern
Convert object stones
Convert stone to other shapes
Create real rhinestone alphabets
Better and faster vectorization
Erase small surface interactive (Vectorization)
Auto vectorization mode for Arabic & Indian fonts
Convert an color image into a rhinestone pattern
Rhinestones: Touch detection stones
Rhinestones: Color selection by color rhinestones
Rhinestones: Color selection by size
Rhinestones: Color selection by size + color
Rhinestones: Fit Stones on any shapes
Rhinestones: Island fill (Full or Partial)
Rhinestones: Rhinestsones texture
Import SVG & PDF (vector file)
New tools to cut Foam ( chaining)
Simulation of blade trajectory on the path
Magic Ruler (real images measurement)
Customer folder (jobs, notes, etc)
Replacement of non-available font
Elimination of edges path angle
Measurements of objects (auto calculation of lengths, surface)
Super weeding of vinyl
Automatic Black & White vectorization
Photo cut vectorization
Center line vectorisation
Double line vectorization
Design center, Outlines, Shadows, Perspectives & Rotations 3D
Draw a segment with a given angle
Creation and correction of font
Accelerated impression of the image
WYSIWYG cutting preparation
- Cut and Paste
- Easy to Use Measuring Tool
- Rotate, Mirror, Scale
- Online Help
- Interactive Cutter Control
- Automatic Color Separation for Cutting
- Complete Text & Graphic Layout
- Uses your TrueType Fonts installed on your computer (Auto Font Import)
- Import / Export (EPS, DXE, AI,SVG etc.)
- Easy node and path Edit
- Dictionary
- Kiss cutting option
- Engraving functions
- Intelligent logos search
- 500 Logos ready to cut and print
- Copy properties
- Multiply copies, circulars copies
- Cut shape with a straight segment
- Cropping image with rectangle, circle, oval & text
- Distortions, Outline, Contour with welding, Shadow, Gradient
- Draw arrows, stars, polygons, ellipses, circles, rectangles
- Cutters drivers installed more than 500
- Digital cameras import
Rhinestone calculator cost, time, garment ...)
Blank t-shirt size and color
Heat transfer material
Cost and time calculator, garment...
Distortion, Arc text...
Texture (granite and more)
WPC file preview
Cutting contour using ARMS (GCC, SAGA)
Smoot vectorized path
New WYSIWYG welding
Auto-Backup of your current job
Save your Personalize Toolbar setup
Free hand tool
Interactive messages
Unicode Paste Chinese, Russian, Arabic ... symbols
Spiral tool
Color Scheme
Zoom with CLICK + CTRL
Group ungroup (Easy one click)
Orthogonal rotation
Automatic color vectorization
Automatic cleaning vectorization filter
Enlarge and reduction images processing
Painting effects
Histogram / Adjust histogram
Merge any selection with an images
Shadow with transparent. (gray and colors)
Perspectives on images
Softening of image contours (Soft touch function)
Correction of image imperfection (Touch up function)
Separation of an image in color plans (cmyk, cmy, rgb, black)
Calibrations of images colors
Cropping image by personal path and text
Masks effect
Superposition of colors
Adjustment of the semitone
Printing colors management
- Cut & Print all TrueType and Adobe fonts
- Cutting by colors and objects
- Multiples weeding contours
- Edition and special effects on images (noise,emboss, etc.)
- Convert vector object to image
- Change resolution and color of images (bits, dithering, etc)
- Import / Export Bmp, Jpg, Tiff, Eps, Pcx, Wmf, Wpc, Vip
- Import vectorized files Eps, Ai, Dxf, Prn, Plt. Wpc, Vip, Svg, Pdf etc
- Import PDF vector files
- Visual text spacing
- Dimension-lines (see and print measurements)
- Color scanning & black/white.
- Top quality MAX fonts
- Separate text in characters, word, line and outline
- Convert a segment to Beziers, in Arc and Bezier with a click
- Simple interface to write any text on path and circle
- Manual vectorization
- See opened path (unsnap)
- See direction path
- Automatic numbers production
- Lock and unlock selected object.